About DragoFi

Our Mission

Our purpose is to provide insight for personal finance and to inspire confidence towards investing. We offer financial education for beginners and free resources for financial planning.


As a young adult, navigating the financial landscape can oftentimes be confusing. Time and again people make mistakes with their finances and it’s not uncommon to feel lost. Whether it comes from skepticism towards investing or ignorance towards basic money management, these mistakes prevent people from moving towards financial freedom early on in life. We provide the resources to help make sense of your finances.


Our goal is to create a community that would spread financial wisdom and guide people on their own personal finance journey. With our data visualizations we aim to provide financial clarity and answer any questions you might have about your future.


We wish to not only provide financial insight through our tools and articles but for you to also have a pleasant experience. If you have any comments, questions or concerns please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Our Story

DragoFi started out as a passion project of a data analyst who brought together his technical skills with his interest in personal finance. Initially, the tools were made to educate and explain basic personal finance concepts to close family and friends. But why stop there? This later developed into something much bigger that assists many more people on their road to financial stability.