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The content on this site is to be used for information purposes only and to provide general education on finances. Nothing on this site should be misconstrued as professional financial advice and it is recommended by us to seek expert advice elsewhere for investing. We do not solicit or endorse the purchase of any particular security. There is always risk in any investment and we are not liable for any financial losses. Any opinions shown here are subject to change.
We aspire to have full transparency towards the monetization of this site. This website contains advertisements and the option to donate. This site does contain affiliate links for trading platforms. The reason these are included is for the mutual benefit of both the user and the site manager. This not only offers support for the site manager but also the user gains a promotional offer from the platform as a starting point if they desire to begin investing. We do not intend to advertise any products in particular, but give users the option to take advantage of a free sign up bonus if they have already decided to invest.